A documentary film about the heroic actions of the French Canadian soldier, Léo Major who, during the Second World War, single-handedly liberated the Dutch town of Zwolle, inhabited by 50,000 people from the nazis. An avenue was dedicated to him, he is remembered and celebrated every year. Although he is venerated in the Netherlands, his accomplishments are still barely known in his homeland.
The story of LÉO MAJOR, said THE ONE-EYED GHOST, could very well be like many other great veterans stories who have dedicated their lives so that the world could live in complete freedom. However, the actions of this brave soldier (obsessive and undisciplined) eminently distinguished him from others, since he single-handedly liberated Zwolle, a town of 50,000 inhabitants. The testimonies of historians, authors, comrades-in-arms, witnesses and members of his family uncover an extraordinary man, adulated in Holland, where he is considered a national hero, and who nevertheless remained unknown in Quebec.
