In Season 1, we meet our small town Pictonville protagonists Miranda and Jolene attempting a girls’ weekend with Jolene’s toddler Violet. The fun weekend quickly goes awry when they get accidentally entangled in the town’s meth ring. The women find themselves on the run with a toddler in tow.
Season 2 finds these same women managing an import Beauty & Wellness business back in their hometown only to discover the biz is really a front for pushing fentanyl. Sucked in by the financial benefits, the women try to renegotiate the business. But they quickly discover that their demented boss is not interested in any kind of compromise and will do everything to maintain her evil status quo, including endangering little Violet and ones the women love most.
Over multiple seasons, Miranda and Jolene (à la Walter White from Breaking Bad) will be forced to learn how to live lives of crime, all while keeping up a front for their families. They will thrive under new identities, negotiate deals with criminals worse than them and become the new queen-pins of the Pictonville underworld.
